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GWOL Ministries

Respire Life
Women's Ministry


To strengthen women's faith so their heart's fulfillment is found in the Lord. To encourage women and help them grow to know the Lord intimately and personally, remaining focused on the Lord and looking to him for all things as they become the woman God has called them to be.


POC: Lady Michelle J. Miller



To bring youth into a closer relationship and understanding with God. Through mentorship, encouragement, and discipleship we will provide youth with the tools needed to grow and to walk in the confidence of knowing that all things are possible to them that believe and walk upright before the Lord.




To provide our community with the needed items to supplement the natural need for food. Each month on the 1st Wednesday we distribute food and clothing to local shelters. 


Contact the Church for more info

Pave The Way
Mens Ministry

To motivate, empower, encourage and challenge men to be positive decision makers and role models in their homes, church, communities, and workplaces. To be Fathers, Husbands, Servants, and Leaders. Providing the needed tools to be men of integrity, faith, and relationship. 

POC:  Pastor Rodney H. Miller






To continue focusing the people of God on a growing relationship with God through teaming, counseling and prayer. To ensure that spiritual inclination is consistant and deliverance is maintatined. To ensure holiness is lived out in accordance with scripture. To ensure that the people of God are equipped to face spiritual opposition with a readiness to stand being rooted and grounded.  

Hope for Tomorrow


Outreach is an essential part of every ministry and a commandment of God. HTF focuses on building through quality education by ensuring equitable access is made available to all. Assisting in the development of acquired skills to produce literate functionality and productivity.


2022 Greater Way of Life Ministries  

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